heater_tiskovinyPrinted matter is a general term for a printed product,[ usually a paper document, produced by some kind of printing process. Typically, printed matter refers to documents carrying information in text, images, notes, etc.: books, magazines, newspapers, brochures, pamphlets, price lists, etc. On the other hand, printed matter, wallpaper, etc. are not considered to be printed matter. In a narrower sense, the term is used only for documents produced by mechanical printing.



Klasifikační průkaz sportovce, Mikulec Jindřich, MS 1962 (1)
(€0,30 excl. VAT)
Pozvánka k 90. výročí založení SK Slavia Praha, 1973
(€1,29 excl. VAT)
Klasifikační průkaz sportovce, Mikulec Jindřich (2)
(€0,30 excl. VAT)
473 items total
Propagace F2 7 Dukla Praha, 1962
€2,94 excl. VAT

Promotional material Dukla Praha, Champion of Czechoslovakia in football for 1962. On the obverse photo and on the reverse description and line-up. Printed on thin paper

The author's articles can be found at:

Code: 88/S17276
Ročenka AC Sparta atleti, 1945 (1)
€5,68 excl. VAT

Yearbook of AC Sparta Praha - athletes from 1945. Typescript - complete results and statistics. Included an introductory letter. Number of pages: 26


Code: 88/S17264
Ročenka Spartak Sokolovo atleti, 1961 (1)
€5,68 excl. VAT

Yearbook Spartak Sokolovo (Sparta Praha) - athletes, 1961. Typescript - complete results and statistics. Number of pages:24


Code: 88/S17254
PF M. Nesvadba 1979 re
PF, M. Nesvadba, 1979
Skladem (1 pcs)
€8,24 excl. VAT

PF - Pour Felicitér, Miloš Nesvadba, 1979. PD original signature.

Code: 88/S17253
PF, M. Nesvadba, 1981
PF, M. Nesvadba, 1981
Skladem (1 pcs)
€9,89 excl. VAT

PF - Pour Felicitér, Miloš Nesvadba, 1981. PD original signature.

Code: 88/S17244
Ročenka AC Sparta atleti, 1946 (1)
€7,11 excl. VAT

Yearbook of AC Sparta Praha - athletes from 1946. Typescript - complete results and statistics. Number of pages: 34


Code: 88/S17231
Ročenka AC Sparta atleti, 1943 (1)
€14,26 excl. VAT

Yearbook of AC Sparta Praha - athletes from 1943. Typescript - complete results and statistics. Included an introductory letter. Photographs on the first page. Number of pages: 24


Code: 88/S17225
Stanovy TJ Sokol, 1940
€0,96 excl. VAT

Statutes of the Sokol gymnastic union in Vytějovice 1940. Signed and stamped on the last page. Number of pages: 8

Code: 88/S17224
Archivní dokumenty, Udělení odznaku, Slavia, 1963
€4,60 excl. VAT

Archival documents, Award of the commemorative badge, SK Slavia Prague, October 7, 1963. On a paper glued document about the award, 2 x correspondence with the club.

Code: 88/S17215
Průkaz turisty, 1979 (1)
Tourist pass, 1979
Skladem (1 pcs)
€0,30 excl. VAT

Tourist card from 7.III. 1979 - Benešov. no.: 076486. Committee of the Tourist Association - ČUV ČSTV. Hard paper. Stamp.

Code: 88/S17133
Registrační průkaz sportovce, odbíjená (1)
€0,96 excl. VAT

Athlete registration card, volleyball, F. Nefe. Czechoslovak Union of Physical Education. no. 18042. 1960. 6 pages, SK Aritma Praha.

Code: 88/S17123
Registrační preukaz, ČSTV, 1961 (1)
€1,29 excl. VAT

Registrační preukaz sportovca, Czechoslovak Telelsnej svaz telelsnej výchovy - odbíjená, 1961. 6 pages. No: 24422. Peeled photo, TJ Spartak Aritma Praha.

Code: 88/S17076
Čs. obec sokolská, Dorostenecký průkaz, 1937 (1)
€1,29 excl. VAT

Československá obec sokolská, Dorostenecký průkaz (ID), Year of entry: 1937. Photo removed, stamps: 1937-1938. Signatures, stamp. 4 pages.

Code: 88/S17030
Propagační materiál, Kondiční program 12 x 12 (1)
€2,94 excl. VAT

Promotional material, Conditioning program 12 x 12 Physiotherapy, obedience ball, gymnastics, water games, etc. 12 x sheet, illustrations.

Code: 88/S16878
Propagační materiál, OH, Moskva, 1980 (1)
€2,94 excl. VAT

Promotional material, OG, Moscow, 1980. Puzzle. Number of pages: 16

Code: 88/S16790
Pamětní aršík, MS Hokej, Praha 1959 (1)
€9,89 excl. VAT

Signature sheet, World Hockey Championship, Prague 1959. Memories of the World Hockey Championship, 1959. Photographs of Czechoslovak players.4 pages.

Code: 88/S16782
Propagační leták, MS Hokej Ostrava, 2015
€0,96 excl. VAT

Promotional leaflet, World Championship Hockey Ostrava, 2015. Puzzle. Czech it Out in Ostava!!! Number of pages.

Code: 88/S16771
Členský průkaz ČSTV, Spartak Vlašim, 1977 (1)
€0,96 excl. VAT

Membership card of ČSTV, Spartak Vlasim, 1977. 12 pages. No.: 068915

Code: 88/S16706
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