
Sokol (Czech Sokol Community) is the name of the Czech gymnastic association, which in the history of Czech and Slovak physical education took the position of not only the largest but also the most successful physical education organization. Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fügner are considered the founders of Sokol. In its beginnings, the Sokol was inspired by the German Turner societies, which were based on the physical education of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. In 1867-1868 Tyrš created the Czech gymnastic nomenclature and in 1868-1871 on the basis of the ancient kalokagathia the Czech gymnastic system, which he published in 1873 in the work "Základové tělocviku". Both founders of the association from the beginning promoted its complete apolitical character and aimed at the physical and moral growth of the Czech nation. On the contrary, Julius Grégr and other young men tried to enlist the Sokol in the service of Czech national emancipation. (



Celistvost Letecká výstava, Sokol, 1937
Celistvost Air Show, Sokol, 1937
Skladem (1 pcs)
Code: 88/S17268
(€0,96 excl. VAT)
Stanovy TJ Sokol, 1940
Statutes of TJ Sokol, 1940
Skladem (1 pcs)
Code: 88/S17224
(€0,96 excl. VAT)
Registrační preukaz, ČSTV, 1961 (1)
Registration card, ČSTV, 1961
Skladem (1 pcs)
Code: 88/S17076
(€1,29 excl. VAT)
260 items total
Celistvost Letecká výstava, Sokol, 1937
€0,96 excl. VAT

Celistvost, National Air Show, Prague Exhibition Grounds. Addressed to TJ Sokol Petřín, 24 June 1937 - 22.

Code: 88/S17268
Stanovy TJ Sokol, 1940
€0,96 excl. VAT

Statutes of the Sokol gymnastic union in Vytějovice 1940. Signed and stamped on the last page. Number of pages: 8

Code: 88/S17224
Registrační preukaz, ČSTV, 1961 (1)
€1,29 excl. VAT

Registrační preukaz sportovca, Czechoslovak Telelsnej svaz telelsnej výchovy - odbíjená, 1961. 6 pages. No: 24422. Peeled photo, TJ Spartak Aritma Praha.

Code: 88/S17076
Čs. obec sokolská, Dorostenecký průkaz, 1937 (1)
€1,29 excl. VAT

Československá obec sokolská, Dorostenecký průkaz (ID), Year of entry: 1937. Photo removed, stamps: 1937-1938. Signatures, stamp. 4 pages.

Code: 88/S17030
Pohlednice Nová sokolovna Vinohradská (1)
€1,62 excl. VAT

Postcard - New sokolovna Vinohradská. Without stamp, inscribed, not passed

Code: 88/S17008
Členský průkaz ČSTV, Spartak Vlašim, 1977 (1)
€0,96 excl. VAT

Membership card of ČSTV, Spartak Vlasim, 1977. 12 pages. No.: 068915

Code: 88/S16706
Kniha, Zdravotnicví pro cvičitele, 1946
€1,96 excl. VAT

Book, Health care for practitioners, 1946 Published by the Czechoslovak Sokol Community 118 pages. 118 pages, softcover

Code: 88/S16702
Diplom, Sokolská župa, 1937
€1,29 excl. VAT

Diploma, Sokol County of Prague - Scheiner.9th May, 1937. Municipal race in the lower section. Stamp, signature.

Code: 88/S16669
Brožura Sokol, Tělocvik, 91949, Volume II. number  9 . Number of pages 32. Vracíme se do tělocvičen
€1,75 excl. VAT

Brochure Sokol, Gymnastics, 9/1949, Volume II. number : 9 . Number of pages : 32. Vracíme se do tělocvičen

Code: 88/S16659
Brožura Sokol, Tělocvik, 111949
€1,75 excl. VAT

Brochure Sokol, Tělocvik, 11/1949, Volume II. number : 11 . Number of pages : 32. Hungary won by only 1.90 points

Code: 88/S16640
Brožura Sokol, Tělocvik, 7 81949
€1,75 excl. VAT

Brochure Sokol, Tělocvik, 7-8/1949, 1949. Volume II. number : 7-8. Number of pages : 32

Code: 88/S16616
Věstník sokolský, 194829 30
€1,29 excl. VAT

Sokol Bulletin, 1948/21, Volume XLVI. Issue: 29-30. Number of pages: 16.


Code: 88/S16615
Brochure Sokol, Tělocvik, 11949
€1,75 excl. VAT

Brochure Sokol, Tělocvik, 11/1949 22.January 1949. Volume II. number : 1 Number of pages : 16.


Code: 88/S16610
Brožura Sokol, Tělocvik, 151949
€1,75 excl. VAT

Brochure Sokol, Men's gymnastics, Physical education to health, Volume II, number : 1 Number of pages : 16. Where there is a tent - there is death


Code: 88/S16601
Brochure Sokol, Men's gymnastics, Physical education to health, 1/1950
€1,75 excl. VAT

Brochure Sokol, Men's gymnastics, Physical education to health, 1/1950, January 5, 1950. Volume II, number : 1 Number of pages : 32. Where there is a tent - there is death


Code: 88/S16595
Věstník sokolský, 194821
Sokol Bulletin, 1948/21
Skladem (1 pcs)
€1,29 excl. VAT

Sokol Bulletin, 1948/21, Volume XLVI. Issue: 21. Number of pages: 16. O pomoc Němců


Code: 88/S16594
Věstník sokolský, 194822
Sokol Bulletin, 1948/22
Skladem (1 pcs)
€0,73 excl. VAT

Sokol Bulletin, 1948/22. Volume XLVI. Number: 22. Number of pages: 16. Dr. Edvard beneš o sletech...

Code: 88/S16577
Vstupenka, Všesokolský slet, Praha 1994
€2,28 excl. VAT

Ticket, All-Sokol Meeting, Prague 1994

Code: 88/S16511
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