
Sports programs are an important part of sports history. Since their inception at the beginning of the 20th century, they have become an essential addition to any major sporting event. Originally, they contained basic information about matches, such as team names and player names. Over time, however, they became more sophisticated and began to include player statistics, interviews and articles about the sport. Today, the programs are valuable collectibles that provide a unique glimpse into sporting events of the past and reflect the evolution of the sport as a whole.



Program Klokan, Bohemians v. Brno, 1995
(€1,29 excl. VAT)
Program Klokan , Bohemians ČKD Praha v. TAZ Trnava, 19841985 (15)
(€0,63 excl. VAT)
Program Klokan , Bohemians ČKD Praha v. Spartak Trnava, 198
(€0,63 excl. VAT)
604 items total
Program Klokan, Bohemians v. Brno, 1995
€1,29 excl. VAT

Program Kangaroo, FC Bohemians Praha v. FC Boby Brno, 16th April, 1995 at 16.30 p.m. 22nd round of I. football league. Number of pages.

Code: 88/S17214
Poločas Slavia, výroční konference oddílu kopané, 1986
€4,93 excl. VAT

Slavia half-time, annual conference of the football club, 1986. Eden House of Culture. Number of pages : 16

Code: 88/S16856
Poločas Slavia Praha v. Boheminas, 720182019
€4,26 excl. VAT

Half-time Slavia Praha v. Boheminas, 7/2018/2019. round 9 of I. league . 23.IX. 2019 at 18.00. Number 7. Number of pages : 36

Code: 88/S16560
Program hokej, Sparťanská jízda, HC Sparta v. HC Chomutov 2018
€0,63 excl. VAT

Hockey program, Spartan ride, HC Sparta v. HC Chomutov, 2018, 9. I. 39. kolo. Number of pages : 8.

Code: 88/S16467
Program Klokan 1905, Bohemians FK Dukla Praha, 2015
€0,63 excl. VAT

Program Klokan 1905, Bohemians FK Dukla Praha, 2015. round 21. 1st football league, 22.III. 2015. Number of pages : 48

Code: 88/S16449
Program hokej, Brejk, HC Litvínov v. HC Olomouc, 2017
€0,36 excl. VAT

Hockey program, Breakout, HC Litvínov v. HC Olomouc, 20. XII. 2017. Number of pages: 8. 

Code: 88/S16435
Program hokej, HC Pardubice v. HC Sparta Praha, 2005
€2,28 excl. VAT

Hockey programme, HC Pardubice v. HC Sparta Praha, 6. II. 2005. Number of pages: 8. Puzzle

Code: 88/S16429
Program hokej, Aréna, HC Slavia Praha v. HC Liberec, 200405
€3,27 excl. VAT

Hockey program, Arena, HC Slavia Praha v. HC Liberec, 2004/05. October, 2004. Number of pages.: 16. On the front page: Petr Kadlec #7

Code: 88/S16417
Program hokej, Aréna, HC Slavia Praha v. HC Třinec, 200405
€3,27 excl. VAT

Program hokej, Aréna, HC Slavia Praha v. HC Třinec, 2004/05. 32. kolo - 12. Prosince 2004.  Počet stran: 16. Na úvodní straně: Josef Beránek 

Code: 88/S16397
Magazín SK Líšeň, 20202021
€9,60 excl. VAT

Magazín SK Líšeň, 2020/2021. Číslo 7, FNL. Počet stran: 8

Code: 88/S15833
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Bohemians Praha, 1990
€4,93 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Bohemians Praha, 1990. 20. Dubna. Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15827
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Bohemians Praha, 1987 2
€4,93 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Bohemians Praha, 11. Října, 1987.  Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15813
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Sparta Praha, 1983
€4,56 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Sparta Praha, 5. Června,  1983.  Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15788
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Slavia Praha, 1987
€5,59 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Slavia Praha, 1987, 15. Listopadu, 1987.  Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15778
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Sparta Praha, 1988, 2
€4,56 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Sparta Praha, 27. Března,  1988.  Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15762
Program, TJ Liaz Jablonec v. Hradec Králové, 1984
€1,29 excl. VAT

Program, TJ Liaz Jablonec v. Hradec Králové, 24. Listopadu,1984. Počet stran: 4

Code: 88/S15761
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Slavia Praha, 1989
€5,59 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Slavia Praha, 1989, 17. Září,  1989.  Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15738
Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Bohemians Praha, 1987
€4,93 excl. VAT

Program , Sigma ZTS Olomouc v. Bohemians Praha, 8. Března, 1987.  Počet stran : 8

Code: 88/S15735
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