
The history of sports collectibles dates back to the early days of organized sports, when fans began collecting and preserving items associated with their favorite teams and players. In the early days, it was mainly match programmes, tickets and simple souvenirs. Over time, however, the range of collectibles expanded to include more sophisticated and specially designed items. Sports collectibles is a fascinating and diverse field that encompasses a wide range of items.



Klíčenka retro Ingstav
Klíčenka retro Ingstav
Code: 88/S3433
(€1,62 excl. VAT)
SKIVO sada sjezdovýcha bežeckých vosků parafínůDSC 8328.dng
(€6,58 excl. VAT)
Hokejista torzo Libuše Niklová 1 r (1)
Hockey player - torso, Libuše Niklová
Skladem (1 pcs)
Code: 88/S17209
(€32,74 excl. VAT)
269 items total
Hokejista torzo Libuše Niklová 1 r (1)
New Tip
€32,74 excl. VAT

Hockey player - torso - legs, skates, Libuše Niklová, Fatra Napajedla. Inflatable. Usable as an aid for non-swimmers and children

Code: 88/S17209
Tašky igelitové Sparta Praha 1 re (1)
€1,95 excl. VAT

2 plastic bags Sparta Prague ČKD

Code: 88/S17190
Rukopis knihy, Život bez nadějí, autogramy (2)
€47,60 excl. VAT

The manuscript of the book Life Without Hope by Novák, Masopust and Pluskal. Brůna, Holubec, Steiner. Autographs of athletes, glued photographs. Hardcover. Typescript. Dedication. Number of pages 2008.

Code: 88/S17112
Samolepka XI. Zimní spartakiáda, 1987
€0,30 excl. VAT

Sticker XI. Winter Spartakiada Borovets, CSKA Moscow, 1987

Code: 88/S17074
Samolepka Ultras, Proklatě dobrý klub
€0,30 excl. VAT

Sticker Ultras, SKS - Slavia Prague football. Damn good club

Code: 88/S17052
Krabička na lyžařskou šálu, karton
€16,21 excl. VAT

Ski scarf box, cardboard - tastefully made packaging in ART deco style.

Code: 88/S16999
Plakát Jaromír Jágr, Eastern conf.
€1,62 excl. VAT

Poster - Jaromír Jágr, Eastern conf.

Code: 88/S16939
Dobové hrací karty Derby dostihy 1 re (3)
€26,10 excl. VAT

Vintage Derby - horse racing playing cards in original packaging. Instructions on the back. Number of pieces: 24

Code: 88/S16898
Propagační materiál, Kondiční program 12 x 12 (1)
€2,94 excl. VAT

Promotional material, Conditioning program 12 x 12 Physiotherapy, obedience ball, gymnastics, water games, etc. 12 x sheet, illustrations.

Code: 88/S16878
Nášivka znak Československo re
€22,83 excl. VAT

Emblem of Czechoslovakia. Felt - embroidery.

Code: 88/S16874
Dobové hrací karty Hockey 2 r (2)
Hockey playing cards
Skladem (1 pcs)
€26,10 excl. VAT

Hockey playing cards in original packaging. Number of pieces: 24

Code: 88/S16867
Řechtačka dobová 1 re (1)
Skladem (1 pcs)
€16,50 excl. VAT

Antique Ratche. Wood

Code: 88/S16840
Samolepka Lotto
Self-stick Lotto
Skladem (1 pcs)
€0,30 excl. VAT

Self-stick Lotto. Italian sport design

Code: 88/S16814
Samolepka, Český hokej na internetu
€0,46 excl. VAT

Sticker, Czech hockey on the internet

Code: 88/S16800
Samolepka, Volkl
Sticker, Volkl
Skladem (1 pcs)
€0,46 excl. VAT

Sticker, Volkl - Ski and Tennis

Code: 88/S16787
Šermířská maska II 1 rem (1)
Swordsman Mask II
Skladem (1 pcs)
€62,52 excl. VAT

Fencing mask. Leather, textile, metal.

Code: 88/S16739
Šátek Mistrovství světa v lyžování Vysoké Tatry 1970 1 removebg preview
€19,48 excl. VAT

Scarf, World Ski Championships, FIS-High Tatras 1970. Producer TIBA, Dvůr Králové nd Labem. Including leaflet.

Code: 88/S16524
Los 19. Dobročinná státní loterie ve prospěch borců na OH 1936 remov
€14,16 excl. VAT

Lottery, 19th Charity State Lottery, for the benefit of the Czechoslovak athletes' expedition to the 1936 Olympic Games. Nominal value: CZK. no.: 032013

Code: 88/S16494
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