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 At first glance, sport and philately are seemingly unrelated fields, but a closer look shows that they are closely linked. Philately offers a unique insight into the history of sport through postage stamps depicting major sporting events, personalities and disciplines. Postage stamps with sporting motifs reflect the cultural, social and historical significance of sport in different countries and periods. They bear witness to the Olympic Games, World Championships and other international competitions. For philatelists and sports enthusiasts, these stamps are therefore a window into the rich world of sporting history. For collectors, sports stamps are attractive not only because of their motifs, but also because of technical details such as watermarks, colours and serrations. Collectors and researchers can thus study and discover the history of sport, its development and its impact on society through philately. Some stamps are rare and valuable, making them prized items for collectors and museums. The stories and history captured on these stamps are invaluable sources of information and knowledge about the sporting legends and moments that shaped the sporting world. An interesting example is the Olympic postage stamps that were issued for various editions of the Games, depicting the sports disciplines, athletes and symbols associated with the Olympics. These stamps are a popular collector's item and their value can be very high, especially for older and rarer examples. Whether you are a sports enthusiast, a philatelist, or both, sports stamps.



Finále středoevropského poháru k dvacátému výročí Republiky Československé II (4) 1
(€32,60 excl. VAT)
nagano 1998 oh
(€0,96 excl. VAT)
FDC, Boxkampf, 1971
FDC, Boxkampf, 1971
Skladem (1 pcs)
Code: 88/S17100
(€3,26 excl. VAT)
171 items total
FDC, Boxkampf, 1971
FDC, Boxkampf, 1971
Skladem (1 pcs)
€3,26 excl. VAT

FDC, Boxkampf, 1971. (Boxing Fight of the Century) depicting the famous fight between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali on March 8, 1971. Stamp, stamp, expired.

Code: 88/S17100
Aršík Josef Masopust klub přátel re
Sheet Josef Masopust
Skladem (1 pcs)
€3,26 excl. VAT

Sheet Josef Masopust, club of friends of Josef Masopust.10 kč

Code: 88/S17001
Celistvost , Footbal, Spain, 1982
€2,93 excl. VAT

Celistvost , Football, Spain, 1982. 3 x stamp, commemorative postmark 9490

Code: 88/S16993
Korespondenční lístek Josef Masopust Zlatý míč , ČSSR (1)
€8,53 excl. VAT

Correspondence card Josef Masopust - Golden Ball , Czechoslovakia. Stamp. Stamp - J. Masopust, Meeting of football legends, Prague, 4 February 2011

Author's articles can be found on: SPORTANTIQUE.cz

Code: 88/S16990
Celina , Nadwislan, 1923 1983
€0,63 excl. VAT

Celina, Spoldzielcza Klub Sportogo Nadwislan, 1923 -1983

Code: 88/S16931
Pohlednice Zlatá přilba, 1938 (1)
€27,49 –72 %
€6,26 excl. VAT

Postcard - Golden Helmet, 1938 Postmark: Pardubice - racetrack. VII. golden helmet of Czechoslovakia, 4.XI.1938. Inscribed, not passed.

Code: 88/S16873
Dobová pohlednice, Velká pardubická, 1936 (1)
€9,84 excl. VAT

 Period postcard, Velka pardubicka, 1936. Inscribed, stamp, expired. Stamp: Pardubice racetrack, 18th X. 36-14.

Article by Peter Feldstein on our blog: SPORTANTIQUE

Code: 88/S16740
Mincovní dopis, OH Albertville, 1992 (1)
€6,55 excl. VAT

Coin Letter, OH Albertville, 1992. Coin, envelope, stamp, postmark. 

Code: 88/S16654
Mincovní dopis, OH Barceloa, 1992 (1)
€6,55 excl. VAT

Coin Letter, OH Barcelona, 1992. Coin, envelope, stamp, postmark. No: 5446

Code: 88/S16639
Celistvost , MS Hokej, 1947
€4,91 excl. VAT

Celistvost , MS Hockey, 1947. Prague, 23.II- 33.-47 Stamp 2 x , commemorative postmark. Cover.

Code: 88/S16436
Výplatní známka, Aršík A 177, 1998, Nagano, hokej, razítko II
€4,91 excl. VAT

Pay stamp, Arshik A 177, 1998, Nagano, hockey. Redemption stamps - Czech Republic - single stamp - illustration photo. Postmark.

Code: 88/S16249
Korespondenční lístek, II. Celostátní spartakiáda, 1960 (1)
€0,63 excl. VAT

Korespondenční lístek, II. Celostátní spartakiáda, 1960. Prošlý, nadepsaný, razítkp

Code: 88/S15605
Dopisnice, Jindřich Vaníček, Česká obec Sokolská (1)
Limited edition
€59,36 excl. VAT

Dopisnice, Jindřich Vaníček, Česká obec Sokolská. Rovnost Volnost Bratrství. Podepsaný rukopisný korespondenční lístek. 7. 2. 1906. Krásný sběratelský kousek.

Code: 88/S15433
Dopisnice, ME v gymnastice, 1977 (1)
€0,63 excl. VAT

Dopisnice, ME v gymnastice, 1977. Nadepsaná, razítko, prošlá.

Code: 88/S15360
Dopisnice, Olympic games, Moscow, Olympijská vesnice, 1980 (1)
€0,63 excl. VAT

Dopisnice, Olympic games, Moscow, Olympijská vesnice, 1980. Nenadepsaná, razítko, neprošlá.

Code: 88/S15356
Dopisnice, Olympic games, Moscow, Velosport, 1980 (1)
€0,63 excl. VAT

Dopisnice, Olympic games, Moscow, Velosport, 1980. Razítko. Nadepsaná.

Code: 88/S15333
Dopisnice, Olympic games, Moscow, Avia, 1980 (1)
€0,63 excl. VAT

Dopisnice, Olympic games, Moscow, Avia, 1980. Razítko. Nadepsaná, prošlá.

Code: 88/S15325
FDC, Eurohockey sur glace, Bern, 1990
€3,26 excl. VAT

FDC, Eurohockey sur glace, Bern, 1990. Razítko: 6. III. 1990.

Code: 88/S15017
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