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Ticket football, league match. To stand. Torn. R
Magazine STADION, Volume XX, 21.III.1972, Issue 12 (978). On the front page: Marcela Váchová, back: the NSR Hockey Team. Number of pages: 16
Postcard Stadium, Bangladesh Dakha. Unused, unsigned, without stamp. GRB 842
Postcard Stadium, from Ceylon Fort. Expired, inscribed, stamp. Plates Post Card, printed in Great Britain
Photo, Jawa motorbike on engine
Celina, Spoldzielcza Klub Sportogo Nadwislan, 1923 -1983
Postcard, Czechoslovak Spartakiade, 1985. This: Vilém Kropp. Press photo. Inscribed, stamp, expired.
Photos, Dominik Pacovský, HC Sparta, autograph in marker
Postcard Stadium, Hof - Grune Au. Unused, unsigned, without stamp. SF 03
Postcard Stadion, Schonebeck - Stadion des Schonebecker SC. Unused, unsigned, no stamp. GW 18.
Postcard Stadium, Phnom - Cambridge - Complex sportif International. Unused, unsigned, no stamp.
Magazine STADION, Volume XX, 1.II.1972, Issue 5 (971). On the front page: Sapporo - Olympics begin, back page: Boston Bruins - hockey. Number of pages: 16
Key Chain Czechoslovak Football Association. Antique metal, paint, enamel
Photos, Michal Guláši, HC Sparta, autograph in marker
Photos, snapshot from Eden, autograph in marker
Pennant of the Czechoslovak State Lottery. Textile, print, foil. Double-sided.
Magazine STADION, Volume XXIV, 2.XI.1976, Issue 44 (1218). On the front page: Běchovice - running, back page: Tomáš Šmíd. Number of pages: 32
Postcard Stadium, Pyongyang - Day May Stadium - North Korea. Unused, unsigned, no stamp. GRB 12